Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Theme Ideas:
- Resources that lead to success
- Office resources have many more uses they appear
- Little aspects of accomplishment

Pictures/ Caption Ideas:

- This shows the final product
- The accomplished piece (What could be accomplished)
- Something that brings all the resources together
- How things can add up and create a product

- How I'm always thirsty and need water
- How something as simple as water can energize
- How natural resources help us
- How keeping your body hydrated and happy can definitely help your work as a whole
- No matter how much you work, you need to take care of yourself

- Symbolizes me having to plan well for the project
- Shows how I had to do other things while I was planning my project
- What other jobs I did: Pick up the phone, write notes, talk to clients, calculate statistics, etc.

- One of those simple pictures that tell a story on it's own
- Add to the feeling that as I need to keep hydrated, my laptop also needs energy
- The lighting was slanted a little so it looks like the middle of the day where technology may need charging
- Abstract meaning of both people and technology gets tired xD

- Show the basic resources and talk a little about their uses
- Show that cluttered resources hold SOMETHING that could be useful
- Also shows how busy the office can get
- Symbolizes how the office is but in a small scale
- Symbolizes that the office is busy and each thing needs a different resource

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