Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blog #9

Post a thoughtful reflection on how you have performed within the numerous freedoms associated with Ampersand. Then post a thoughtful reflection on how you have performed within the numerous structures associated with Ampersand.
I have performed pretty well for Ampersand. Because of the freedom, I could do my own thing and make my article abstract like my photo essay. I think that shows me as a writer the most because I don't like writing such structured pieces like what schools ask for. When it's an article about experience, I speak about it well because I know myself well and I know how i took an experience. I think the freedom was useful creative-wise because you got to pick the genre you are good at.

I don't know if I noticed any structure in Ampersand. There are a lot of talk about how it was going to be, but I haven't seen myself actively understanding the structure. More then anything, I think it is a very free flowing assignment. You sort of just write what you want. I like not having the structure, except it sometimes makes you unsure of what you're writing, which is what I have encountered. This is why I'm using my photo essay for Ampersand instead of completely starting off new on something. The thing that was irritating was that I was excited to start Ampersand, but there was so much delay in starting it. After a while, I just didn't want to do it anymore.

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