Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blog #13: Industrialization and Coastal Environments

Article: http://www.dailycomet.com/article/20091013/HURBLOG/910139893?Title=Local-coastal-advocate-receives-national-award

"St Pe' took it upon himself to begin an urgent education of the citizens of Louisiana of their heritage and their vanishing wetlands. He was one of the first people to reach Grand Isle along with the media explain the impacts of the hurricanes on the communities, the barrier shorelines and the marshes."

I couldn't exactly find one that was about industrialization, but I did find one that was released today about the coastal environment at the Gulf of Mexico.

1. What is the issue, controversy or event in the story? What are the basic facts?
The event is an award that is to be awarded to "longtime coastal advocate and director of the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program Kerry St. Pé" for his decades of urgently educating people in Louisiana about the situation with their disappearing wetlands. By doing this, he informed people about how important the keeping the environment clean is. With this informaiton, people learned about how protecting natural resources, other inhabitants, and commerce for humans was crucial to keep their community in good shape.

2. What information is missing from the story?
I think the news story was pretty thorough. The only thing I would have liked to read about was, perhaps, a little about St. Pé. He was decribed as this really informative person but I didn't understand who he was as a person. Was he a social, did he run any programs to inform people, where did he inform people, and who else was his audience. I wouldv'e liked to hear about a before and after. Or hypothesises about what could've happen if the public wasn't properly informed.

3. What would be your next steps if you were creating a follow up to this story?
I would expect a couple of things from the follow up story. First, of course, maybe a few pictures or reactions of then they are actually awarding the award. Like I said in the question before, I would like to see something about who he was or more detail about what he did. It would be great to see more quotes from people who were actually influenced by what he said. It'd also be nice to hear about clean up efforts or what the community is doing to keep their environment healthier.

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