Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blog #9: Coastal Issues


"Cigarette butts, plastic bags, water bottles, Styrofoam chunks, Flip-flops, medicine bottles, netting, thousands of random pieces of plastic. Nobody's picture of paradise. Yet, day after day, it finds its way onto otherwise beautiful South Florida beaches.Cleaning it all up just about requires a small army."

There are many problems arising on the coast. They range from avoidable erosion to habitats for animals being demolished, but one of the most severe problems is litter. People go to the beach to enjoy the views, get a tan, or just surf. People coming to the beach day in and day out sometimes leave trash. This trash either litters the oceans, placing living creatures in danger or is added to the huge vortex of trash and plastic we have floating in the ocean, said to be 2 times the size of the United States!

Even so, there are very simple ways of lessening/stopping the effects of this issue. You can obtain more information or find out ways you can help at any of the following sites:

This relates to the project because we are the next generation, we will be suffering with this trash. One of the largest coastal issues has got to be litter. This doesn't only apply to the people who go to the beach, it also includes people who litter in general. That litter goes down storm drains when it rains and is led straight to the ocean. The thing about this issue is that it is the result of humans being lazy and unable to walk a few feet to a trash can. Some people do not understand what dripping oil or trash in their driveway might cause. I think that "Media Saves the Beach" is a really good project to keep people informed about what is considered littering and how it can be prevented. Also, some people do not know about how oil from their cars also adds to the pollution of the water. In this project, I think that a really large focus can be about littering in general, not just in coastal areas. Wherever we litter, it eventually makes it way to the ocean or even our shores.

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