Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blog #1: Returning to school

Tell us about what you hope to accomplish or learn from your experiences in this Humanities class. What do you hope to learn & what do you hope to develop?

There are many things I'm hoping to accomplish. Already, I was really interested in some of the project ideas. I find myself forgetting a lot after I've read something even when I think I've read it thoroughly.The key thing that also adds to my hate for reading is the fact that a lot of literature out there seems unnecessary to me by adding random detail, or something like that. I'd like to learn how to see a new point of view but also be able to find it interesting and give feedback on it. Another thing I'd like to accomplish is learning more about different cultures. I think that by doing this, I can expand the variety in my art and have more ideas then I ever did before. I want to be able to be influenced by many things so I can create a product that is unique and well thought out. Most certainly, I would like it to have little bits of ideas from everywhere. Currently, I've been having an artist block and my art doesn't seem to expand. It's difficult to see the originality and the uniqueness that sets it apart. In learning about culture, not only do I think my art will evolve, but it will apply to a lot of people and may interest them.

One of the things I'm hoping to develop the most is vocabulary. I have a very limited vocabulary because I am used to being able to twist words and even make up words by using similar sounds from the original words. The problem with that is that half the time... people don't understand what I'm trying to say. By stretching my vocabulary, I think I will also enjoy reading more because I wouldn't have to constantly be picking up a dictionary and finding out what words mean. I'm not very effective in humanities because of it. Being able to understand concepts better could help me increase my reading level and able me to read tougher books. If I'm lucky, I suppose I would start enjoying reading. Which... is very unlikely.

Other then that... I'm not sure what else there is. Randy seems to know a lot about music so I may learn a little bit about that. I am also available to learning about different skills humanities has to offer. Lori was a pretty good teacher and it was still a bit difficult for her to get me to read. One thing I wouldn't be looking forward to this year is the reading. The only books I've liked so far are middle school - 9th grade books. I'd like possible suggestions of really good books at my grade level and at the genre I am most interested in, fantasy. I really don't want to read books like Harry Potter. I did like the Series of Unfortunate Events though.... Now I'm just rambling. But yes, I may have repeated myself, but everything I said previously is what I would like to strive for/ accomplish during this school year.

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