Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blog #21: Nick's and Gatsby's detachment

I would say that Nick has a detachment from his environment because he hasn't been there long. Daisy hasn't seen Nick in what, 9 years? I think Nick is kind of feeling awkward being with people he hasn't been with in a long time. I know I would be nervous or find it somewhat awkward, especially when Daisy was sort of rude and didn't get up to greet Nick.

I'd say that Gatsby is detached from his environment because he mysterious. No one really knows who he is or what he does. He sort of keeps things to himself. Because of all these accumulated rumors, Gatsby has even more of a detachment. People see him as this great person and some may actually feel intimidated to talk to him. I mean, none of those girls would probably go, "Gatsby, are you a German spy?" or "Gatsby, have you killed someone before?" Gatsby is detached to his environment by him just being mysterious and people not knowing the thinking behind the action.

I think they are both similar because they sort of keep to themselves. Gatsby is so rich that he is just questioned and it's sort of like, "He's totally a bootlegger" while Nick is a little more on the poor side, to the point that no one would really care. Nick also doesn't have a lot to talk about since he's not rich. He's already encountered a hostile environment like when he told Tom who he worked with and Tom said, "Never heard of him." in that ton.

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