Monday, November 9, 2009

Blog #22: Organizations

1. Name of organization: Green Peace
2. Mission statement: "Our core values are reflected in our environmental campaign work: We 'bear witness' to environmental destruction in a peaceful, non-violent manner. We use non-violent confrontation to raise the level and quality of public debate. In exposing threats to the environment and finding solutions we have no permanent allies or adversaries. We ensure our financial independence from political or commercial interests. We seek solutions for, and promote open, informed debate about society's environmental choices."

3. Campaigned for change from the British Colombian government.
"A historic agreement with logging companies was reached on the conservation of Canada's remaining coastal rainforest. The agreement was subsequently approved by the government of British Columbia. This followed years of campaigning by Greenpeace targeting the trade and investments of companies involved in logging the endangered Great Bear Rainforest"

Protested against "the bulb" in Ireland.
The Irish Government announced what will be the EU's first ban on energy-wasting incandescent lightbulbs, to be implemented by as early as January 2009. This simple but historic step came as governments met in Bali to discuss next steps on tackling the global climate emergency.

1. Name of organization: Surfrider
2. Mission statement: "The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world's oceans, waves and beaches for all people, through conservation, activism, research and education."

3. Winning a lawsuit against Chevron Oil Company in El Segundo, California that represents the first time a government agency, department or office at any government level, has recognized the significance of a breaking wave as a natural resource deserving of protection.

600 beach cleanups, 125+ meetings and events involving city, county, and state governments were attended by Surfrider Chapter representatives

Securing passage of legislation to create "Reserva Marina Tres Palmas de Rincón" in Puerto Rico. The law will establish a marine reserve in the Tres Palmas area of Rincón and devote $100,000 for the development of a management plan for the marine reserve.

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