Friday, November 13, 2009

Blog #23: MSB Articles

I thought this was a cool "article" that showed some stuff that could be useful for the calendar.

0. The Article: Right here

1. Summarize the event.
This was talking about how this person was diving and saw all sorts of things. They were excited to see the big fish, but compared to the past, they were about 75% smaller. This article talks about the changes in the ocean and how some places have disappeared or not appear unhealthy because of human causes.

2. What is the most important info presented in the story?
I thought the thing about how fish we see how are about 100 pounds, which seems amazing, but in the past fish were more plentiful and they were pushing 300 - 400 pounds. Another interesting thing was how many divers wish they could go back in time to see how the ocean was back then, before all the intense pollution. Some of the fish also stopped laying eggs in some places where the diver use to swim. Like, she saw many cabazons years ago that was 2-3 feet. Now, it was a bit difficult to find one, but even the one she found was only 6 inches.

3. What info is missing?
I would have liked some more specific time periods. I think her story would be more effective if there was something like a timeline. I think this was a good story about herself which was probably the point, but some more information about the change of environment over time would have been useful. She talked about a few fish and some fish sized which was helpful, but it would have been cool to hear about the change in the reefs or underwater plants.

4. How does this info play into your MSB work?
We are doing a calendar, but information from here could be a fun fact to know. I thought it was interesting that the size of fish decreased significantly over decades. Also, we were really focused on the beaches, but a few underwater information could be useful too. I think it would be cool to have some information about the stuff you don't see happening.

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