Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blog #5

Emilie's Blog
I think this one was laid out very well. Even though it wasn't a PDF or like.. a large file, it still looked organized. I think she made good use of her photos and the way she placed her text. She didn't have much leeway in designing but she was really good with where she placed quotes, how she incorporated them, and how they worked together as a whole. It wasn't cluttered or anything, which I think is a tough thing to do when you have such limited design space.

Lupe's Blog
There was one thing I liked about her photo essay the most. That was the overall mood it was able to portray. I think it was subtle but it was more of this deep message sort of feeling. I think she captured the mood of music. music is sort of a way to express oneself and throughout her photos, you can tell she personalized them. All the pictures portray people with instruments and they are all playing. This gave off a sweet and creative atmosphere which I experienced even before I read the photo essay. I also like how the beginning started with a sketchy picture of one person and then broke out into pictures of multiple people.

David's Blog:
Added him because he was so proud of his work. His writing was mostly straight to the point which I always think is a good aspect to have. He was clear about where everything was placed, making sure to label the sections clearly and make the sub-sections in a smaller font. People would argue about the smaller font being there, but I sort of like it. I think it says something like, "This is important. But not as important as the big picture."

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